The Top 10 Must-Visit Attractions in Fez: A Comprehensive Guide

Last updated on June 24th, 2023 at 05:51 pm

Fez is one of the oldest cities in Morocco and has a rich and fascinating history. The city was founded in the 9th century by Idris I, the first ruler of the Idrisid dynasty, who made it the capital of his new kingdom. Fez quickly became a center of learning and culture, attracting scholars and artists from across the Muslim world.

Today, Fez is a thriving city that is home to over a million people. Its ancient medina (old town) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and remains one of the best-preserved examples of a medieval Islamic city in the world. The city is also renowned for its traditional crafts, including leatherwork, ceramics, and textiles, which are sold in its many souks (markets).

Some of the best tourist attractions in Fez include:

1. Fes el Bali

This is the oldest and most famous part of Fez. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to many historic landmarks, including the famous tanneries, traditional markets, and ancient mosques. Here are some things to do in Fes el Bali:

  • Explore the ancient streets and alleyways
    Fes el Bali is a maze of narrow, winding streets, and alleyways that are full of character and history. Take a walk and soak up the atmosphere, marvel at the old buildings and architecture, and get lost in the souks (markets).
  • Visit the tanneries
    The tanneries of Fes el Bali are one of the city’s most famous attractions. You can watch the leather being dyed and treated using traditional methods that have been used for centuries.
  • Visit the mosques
    Fes el Bali is home to many beautiful and historic mosques, including the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque, which is the oldest university in the world.
  • Check out the madrasas
    Madrasas are traditional Islamic schools, and Fes el Bali is home to many of them, including the Bou Inania Madrasa, which is one of the most beautiful and ornate examples in Morocco.
  • Try the local cuisine
    Fes el Bali is famous for its delicious Moroccan cuisine, including tajines, couscous, and pastries. Visit one of the many local restaurants and cafes to sample some of the local delicacies.
  • Visit the souks
    Fes el Bali is famous for its markets, which are a riot of color and noise. You can find everything from spices and textiles to pottery and jewelry.
  • Enjoy a hammam
    A hammam is a traditional Moroccan bathhouse, where you can relax and be pampered with massages and treatments.
  • Attend a music performance
    Fes el Bali is known for its vibrant music scene, and there are often performances of traditional Moroccan music and dance.

2. Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University

This mosque is considered to be one of the oldest in the world, and its associated university is the oldest continuously operating university in the world. Here are some things to do when visiting Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University:

  • Visit the mosque
    Explore the mosque’s intricate architecture, with its intricate carvings, mosaics, woodwork, and beautiful courtyard.
  • Explore the university
    Visit the university’s library which contains thousands of ancient manuscripts, some of which date back to the 9th century.
  • Attend a lecture
    Al-Qarawiyyin University is still an active educational institution, and you can attend lectures and seminars on a variety of topics like Islamic studies and the Arabic language.
  • Visit the Andalusian garden
    This garden is a beautiful oasis of calm in the heart of the university with lush greenery, fountains, and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Learn about Islamic history
    Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University are significant landmarks in Islamic history, and you can learn about the history and contributions of Islamic scholars and thinkers who studied and taught at the institution.

3. Bou Inania Madrasa

This beautiful and ornate madrasa (Islamic school) was built in the 14th century and is considered to be one of the most impressive examples of Islamic architecture in Morocco. Here are some things to do when visiting Bou Inania Madrasa:

  • Admire the architecture
    Bou Inania Madrasa is known for its beautiful architecture, with intricate carvings, mosaics, and woodwork. Take a moment to appreciate the stunning details and craftsmanship.
  • Explore the library
    Bou Inania Madrasa has a beautiful library with a collection of ancient Islamic manuscripts and texts. Browse through the books and learn about their history and significance.
  • Take a guided tour
    A guided tour of Bou Inania Madrasa will provide you with a deeper understanding of the history and significance of the institution as well as the Islamic faith and culture.
  • Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere
    Bou Inania Madrasa is a peaceful and tranquil space, with a calm and serene atmosphere. Take a moment to relax and enjoy the surroundings.
  • Take photographs
    Bou Inania Madrasa is a beautiful and photogenic location so make sure to bring your camera and capture some of the stunning architecture and details.

4. Chouara Tannery

Chouara Tannery is one of the most iconic tourist attractions in Fez and is famous for its vibrant and colorful dyeing pits where hides are prepared for use in leather products. Here are some things you can do when visiting Chouara Tannery:

  • Take a guided tour
    A guided tour of Chouara Tannery will provide you with a deeper understanding of the tanning process and the history and significance of the institution. Watch the tanners at work and see how leather is dyed and treated.
  • Learn about the history of tanning
    Chouara Tannery has been in operation for hundreds of years and visitors can learn about the history of tanning and the role it has played in Moroccan culture and economy.
  • Shop for leather goods
    Chouara Tannery is a great place to shop for leather goods with a wide selection of high-quality products at reasonable prices. Bargaining is common, so be prepared to negotiate.

5. Dar Batha Museum

Dar Batha Museum is a beautiful museum located in the heart of Fes el Bali, Morocco, and is known for its stunning Andalusian architecture and an extensive collection of Moroccan art and artifacts. Here are some things to do when you visit Dar Batha Museum:

  • Take a guided tour
    A guided tour of Dar Batha Museum will provide you with a deeper understanding of the exhibits and the history and culture of Morocco. Take a moment to appreciate the stunning details and craftsmanship of this beautiful Andalusian-style palace with its intricate tilework, wood carvings, and courtyard.
  • Explore the museum’s collection
    Dar Batha Museum has an extensive collection of Moroccan art and artifacts including ceramics, textiles, jewelry, and woodwork. You can explore the different galleries and learn about the history and significance of the items on display.
  • Enjoy the gardens
    Take a stroll in the beautiful gardens and courtyards with fountains, flowers, and orange trees.
  • Shop for souvenirs
    The museum has a small gift shop where you can purchase souvenirs, including ceramics, textiles, and jewelry.

6. Royal Palace of Fez

The Royal Palace of Fez is a stunning example of traditional Moroccan architecture and is still used by the king of Morocco for official ceremonies. Although the palace is not open to the public, there are still several things to do in the surrounding area:

  • Visit the Jnane Sbile Garden
    The Jnane Sbile Garden is located just outside the Royal Palace of Fez and is a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city. The garden features fountains, fruit trees, and flower beds.
  • Explore the Fez el-Jdid neighborhood
    Fez el-Jdid is a vibrant neighborhood with many historic buildings, souks, and restaurants. Take a walk and explore the area’s rich history and culture.
  • Enjoy Moroccan cuisine
    Fez is known for its delicious cuisine, and there are many restaurants and cafes in the surrounding area where visitors can sample traditional Moroccan dishes such as tagine and couscous.

7. Mellah

The Mellah is the historic Jewish quarter of Fez, Morocco, and is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful architecture. Here are some things to do when visiting the Mellah:

  • Explore the synagogues
    The Mellah is home to several historic synagogues, including the Ibn Danan Synagogue and the Slat al Fassiyine Synagogue. You can learn about the history and culture of Moroccan Jews by exploring these beautiful buildings.
  • Visit the Jewish Museum
    The Jewish Museum in the Mellah is dedicated to preserving and promoting the history and culture of Moroccan Jews. The museum has exhibits on Jewish traditions, customs, and religious practices.
  • Take a guided tour
    A guided tour of the Mellah can provide visitors with a deeper understanding of the area’s history, culture, and architecture.

8. Jardin Jnan Sbil Garden

This peaceful and picturesque garden is located in the heart of Fez and is a great place to relax and escape the bustle of the city. Here are some things to do when visiting the garden:

  • Take a picnic
    The garden is a great spot for a picnic. Bring a blanket, some food, and drinks, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the shade.
  • Visit the greenhouse
    The garden has a greenhouse that is open to visitors. Inside, you can see a variety of plants and flowers, including some that are unique to Morocco.
  • Learn about the history
    The garden has a long and interesting history, dating back to the 18th century. You can learn about the garden’s history and significance by reading the informational signs or taking a guided tour.
  • Go for a run or walk
    The garden is a popular spot for locals to exercise. If you’re looking for a place to go for a run or walk, Jardin Jnan Sbil is a great option.

9. Attarine Madrasa

Attarine Madrasa is a historic Islamic school located in the heart of Fez, Morocco, and is known for its beautiful architecture and intricate tile work. Here are some things to do when visiting Attarine Madrasa:

  • Admire the architecture
    Attarine Madrasa is a beautiful example of Moroccan architecture, with intricate tile work, carved wood, and stunning plasterwork. Take a moment to appreciate the intricate details and beautiful design.
  • Take a guided tour
    A guided tour can provide visitors with a deeper understanding of the history and architecture of the madrasa. Local guides can provide insight into the cultural significance of the building and its place in Moroccan history.
  • Learn about Islamic education
    Attarine Madrasa was an important center for Islamic education in Morocco. Visitors can learn about the curriculum and teaching methods used at the school, as well as the role of education in Moroccan culture.

10. Borj Nord

Borj Nord is a historic fortress located on the northern edge of Fez, Morocco, and is known for its panoramic views of the city. Here are some things to do when visiting Borj Nord:

  • Enjoy the panoramic views
    Borj Nord offers stunning panoramic views of the city, including the medina (old town), the Mellah (Jewish quarter), and the surrounding hills. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of Fez from above.
  • Learn about Moroccan military history
    Borj Nord played an important role in Moroccan military history. You can learn about the different weapons and tactics used in Moroccan warfare and the strategic importance of the fortress.
  • Explore the museum
    Borj Nord has a museum that showcases the history of the fortress and the surrounding area. You can learn about the different dynasties that ruled Fez and the cultural significance of the city.
  • Go for a walk
    The area surrounding Borj Nord is a great spot for a walk. Take a stroll and explore the historic architecture and cultural landmarks in the area.

Best time to visit Fez, Morocco

The best time to visit Fez, Morocco is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant.

During these months, temperatures are comfortable with average highs ranging from the mid-60s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (18-24°C) and average lows in the 50s°F (10-15°C). Additionally, the crowds are thinner, and accommodation prices are generally lower than during the peak summer months.

However, if you don’t mind the heat and crowds, the summer months (June to August) can also be a good time to visit, especially if you plan to spend time in the nearby mountains or coastal areas. Temperatures can soar into the high 80s to low 90s Fahrenheit (30-35°C), but the city has a dry climate, and humidity levels are generally low.

Winter (December to February) can be chilly, with average temperatures ranging from the mid-40s to the low 60s Fahrenheit (7-16°C). However, if you enjoy winter sports, this can be a good time to visit the nearby Atlas Mountains, where you can ski or snowboard.

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